Water Safety Tips to Prevent Drowning Accidents

Personal Injury Lawyers serving Englishtown, Newark, Jersey City, Monmouth & Middlesex Counties, and nearby areas of New Jersey


As summer heats up, more and more children are heading for the water. Whether a pool, lake, or beach, bodies of water hold an inherent danger for children. Drowning is the most common cause of death among children under 14, and even if a drowning accident is not fatal, it can still lead to significant injury. We've put together this infographic highlighting some water safety tips to help ensure a safe and fun summer for you and your child. 

If the unthinkable happens and your child is involved in a drowning accident, our compassionate attorneys are ready to fight on your behalf for justice and compensation. Call us at 732-617-8050 for a free consultation.

how to prevent child drowning englishtown nj